Tuesday, May 14, 2013

where does royalty fit in in modern society?

Try as I might, and believe me I have, I am unable to understand the concept of royalty & it's "patronage" and where it fits in in the 21st century.

I understand the arguments reflected in historical text that Royals led and worked on behalf of their citizens, though I can't say I agree that's true.

They may very well have provided for the basic needs of food, shelter, & clothing security & protection, but these concessions  did not come without a price and the cost was generally  hard labor, slavery & fear of  repercussion.

The inductions/ introduction into these positions were generally by force and arouse from the royal using some form or act of incitement or terror, originally for self glorification & or to extend the power & wealth of the royal, for instance,

 Queen Isabella of Spain didn't send Columbus of on his adventure because she wanted to get friendly with the natives, she wanted to take what rightfully belonged to the native people of the lands he discovered and make them hers, and so has been the way of royal patrons since the concept of royalty came to be.

When we read history books it is well recorded and reflected that the roles between royalty & "their" peoples "nations" was of master and subservient. A non democratic system of great haves and have not's or have not so much's, and the introduction of class discrimination from which all other dictates of discrimination stem from, eg,
 if Caesar decrees it is thus, then it is thus....

Therefore it is beyond my realm  of believe to understand how this concept can be accepted or fit in with the idea of democratic society in the 21st century.

I fully understand the arguments I have heard over the years that in the UK the royals promote tourism & good will,that they bring money into the economy via tourism, but I don't agree,.

It could be argued that "NESSIE" the Lochness monster & other mythical creatures attracts tourist but they do not cost the UK tax payer millions of pounds for their up-keep or the up-keep of their of spring .

Nor does it cost the tax payer to pay for them to go on  £50million for PR trips & up kep,  £48millions for weddings, additionally for £50billions here there & where everywhere for  birthday or anniversary celebrations that cost the nation millions of pound.


It could, and should be recognized, that the British Isles have a lot more to offer tourist than a visit to one of the royal residences to see how the flag is indicating whither the queen is resident or not, and may or may not perchance be passing the castle window and give a wee wave to passing tourist.

In fact, lets be honest, there are hundreds of castles within the British Isles that can and are visited by tourist as well as many other sites of historical and geographical interest not to mention the museums & arts,sports & cultural venues of similar and more interesting, so the tourist argument doesn't wash with me.

 As for the "good will" well frankly, there have been more verbal gaffs by members of the royal family over the decades than I could even begin to mention here, but the following link may or may not amuse.


 we commoners may be expected to mind our manners, but as for protocols in regard of royalty,well, it appears they think it perfectly acceptable to open their mouths and let their belly's rumble without due care and forethought to what they say, or who they may offend, and the implications or repercussions their verbosity could have on the nation.

It seems to me that the fact is, that little has changed about the attitude of royals to their citizens in real terms with regard to the distinctions reflected at the beginning of this blog, in how the differentiation between them and us  the commoners as they see it, is,.

As far as they are concerned,  they are born to rule and we should bow down to their superiority with loyalty  without question or discourse,cos we are born to be their subordinates.

& frankly, in my opinion that is nothing more than bollocks!which i pay little mind or heed to.

It is not only an insult to the intelligence of the masses but down right absurd in this day and age.


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