Monday, May 27, 2013

REFLECTIONS ... of past week

Since the tragic events in Woolwich last week, the media and the internet has seen much discussion and comment from around the world about terrorism, radicalization and extremist religious groups.

Sadly, in England, much of the rhetoric has been focused on Islamic extremist groups, and sadder still, is that much of this incite-full rhetoric has been propagated by BBC broadcasts and mainstream media.

With this very much in mind I have spent a lot of time thinking and reflecting on "terrorism" and how people are indoctrinated into such violent and hateful lifestyles and behaviors, and I think that as the world has evolved, not only has it become easier for those who do the indoctrination to do so, but it has become one of the most useful forms of manipulation by governments when propagating warfare.
... yeah I know, I'm stating the obvious...but,
what I think many of us fail to consider, is that "our" leaders are every bit as ruthless at manipulating and spinning a story to suit there agenda as those they seek to condemn, and as such they are as capable of being involved in the radicalization of their followers or "soldiers" be they part of the official military, or followers of the "faith" or "culture" as any of the leaders, be they religious or political, of any other nation of the world.
Region and State have had a very convenient marrage since the beginning of the time when hierarchies of both realized the power they wielded over communities small or large, and together that force became, in many ways, the scourge of ordinary people just trying to get by and get on with living thier lives in relative safety and with relative security.

Over the decades we have seen evidence of how the governments via the military machine around the globe have turned men (predominantly) into killing machines, in order to facilitate war.
We have heard countless testament from former soldiers of how they are taught to be emotionless killers , although, they cannot be truly stripped of emotions, because the human mind doesn't work that way, emotions may be suppressed , but they will eventually resurface, one way or another.
 People can be indoctrinated "brainwashed" to think and behave in a certain way to suit the agenda of their leaders, hence they become fighting machines, but as humans their emotions will always remain, and conscience will inevitably react in some mode at some time, even if that is somewhere down the timeline.

I don't seek to cast aspersions on any individual by these comments, I seek only to rationalize the facts as they are presented. I believe that most military men and woman join up because they believe in protecting
the welfare of others who are in danger of risk or harm to safety and security, be that in war zones or at home.
I also believe that as a result of their job many of those who survive to tell their stories, both during and after serving, are left emotionally damaged because of what they have witnessed or had to do in line of duty, and additionally don't get the support and help they deserve to readjust after being all but "dehumanized" in order to be able to function in the very difficult situations their job dictates they operate in.

Now, we hear the word terrorism used a lot these days, and attached to various groups usually religious.
However, I believe that terror, again, is one of goverments greatest weapons against its own people.

 terror as I see it is "the manifestation of fear" fear is defined thus;

An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening: "farmers fear that they will lose business".

Therefore a child being bullied at school by another child would logically be correct to deem his bully a terrorist or someone who is involved in terrorism the "ism" being the participation in the act of what ever the "ism" is added to linguistically.
In addition these fears & provoked  or manipulated emotions can lead to more intense irrational fears that manifest as phobias, ( persistent, irrational fear of  specific thing, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it OR more sinisterly, harm it )

Governments have used fear in many ways to control the masses, be it via the religious route or the ecconomic one, or both.
Most of us as adults have known the fear of the possibility of loosing that which gives us a sense of security,jobs, homes, even our health as it provides the means to allow us to work and earn the means to provide security and safety, particularly when its in respect of  that for which we feel responsibility & or love, our children, families and friends.
So, when governments tell us that our security is at risk we feel threatened , fearful, and often with good reason, BUT, all too often we fail to stop and truly reflect what has caused these threats to our security and how it has happened.
Admittedly, in recent times we are seeing, all to often, that the major causes of what installs fear in us has been as a result of actions and behaviors of those we have allowed through the democratic process to govern us, they have frankly fucked up, one too many times, and they know it, and in these modern times information and evidence against them is much more difficult for them to hide, and is stacking up against them, so of course they are going to try to restrict that or prevent it from happening,( i believe its called self preservation) hence the reason we see so many reforms and new laws being quickly passed through into legislation restricting our powers to expose them, and raising their powers to control our investigations of them and thus our freedom of speech, expression and press is coming under attack from those with the most to loose when exposed for their involvement in acts or behaviors that cause people to feel fear or "terror".

In addition to this it has been reflected in history that at such times of ecconomic fear, or financial burdens on economies resulting from poor & or bad practice of goverment, tensions rise and wars happen, because wars are a great way for governments to deflect from their failures. ( I'm not going to give specific examples there are many in many history books you can look up yourself)

Modern warfare is undoubtedly complex, and terrorism is defiantly, as always one of its main components, and "terrorism" as a tool of goverment has many guises.
Religious diversities is of course, as it has always been, one of the favorites, and in the global society these religious differences are easily adapted to include those of race.

In the UK race & religion has been used as a tool of division and separation for decades, be it catholic vs protestant, white vs everyanyother co-cation, English vs Scottish, English vs Irish, English vs Welsh, and sadly the latest UK goverment has decreed multiculturalism doesn't work , so its would seem in Cameron's Britain its English vs everyone but particularly Muslims.... for now... (see Martin Niemöller (1892-1984)

This is not how the vast majority of people in the UK live, because we are a multicultural society and most of us get on just fine as we mostly always have with those of different religions, colors and cultures,and even class differences, and that is something we should be proud of. We should be proud that in the British isles people from mixed back grounds be they religious, racial, cultural, whatever, meet, mix, fall in love and have families together and that these families live in harmony and peace, well try to until the bigoted divisive leaders of state and religion try to inflict their perverse standards on us the people.

This past week in the wake of the incident in Woolwich I have watched as the propaganda machine has pumped up the volume , so to speak, in the most ugly way, I have seen in my lifetime in the UK.
I find it odious how it has used the tragedy that has befallen one military family to incite hate and violence against communities ,however, I am also fully aware that it is not the first time it has used these tools of mass destruction to destroy families and communities in other nations in the name of queen and country and defending the home front from terrorism.

There is no doubt in my mind that it is this sort of racial, religious,and cultural, indeed discriminatory behaviors across every area of society, that breeds the kind of radicalization that leads young, sad and desperate people into the types of company that see's them indoctrinated into the kinds of behaviors that lead not only to events such as those in Woolwich last week, but in some minds, to suicide bombings and mass murder, by those who have been so manipulated and brainwashed by hate and violence that they believe it is an honorable or noble thing to do for their particular version of queen or god & country, because its not, it's wrong and no amount of rationalizing will ever make it right.

There is no excuse or reason that should ever be recognized as acceptable for war.
It is the 21st century, haven't we seen enough hate and killing and war through the decades to know that it will never bring peace to the souls of mankind.

We will never find the path of peace when we walk with violence and hate in our hearts and minds.
We must find another way and we must do so with empathy, sympathy & forgiveness & most of all love, in our soul... and we must do so for the sake of our children and future generations of the planet, we all, as homo-sapiens,  call home.

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