Monday, May 20, 2013


As I sat down this morning and bit into an apple for breakfast I tuned into BBC Radio Scotland where a call in programme was taking place regarding the debate at The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland,  considering whether the church should ordain ministers who are in same-sex relationships.

The Church of Scotland said the report described the breadth of theological opinion that existed but did not represent the considered view of the Church.
A spokesman said it had been put forward by the seven members of the commission who had a broad spectrum of views.
"On the one hand the report offers the Church a way of allowing the ordination of ministers in same-sex relationships who have entered into a civil partnership, while protecting both individuals and congregations who in conscience do not agree with the theological principles which underpin that choice," the spokesman said.
"On the other hand the report, while reaffirming its belief that homophobia is sinful, invites the Church to reaffirm its traditional stance that the only appropriate expression of sexual activity should be within marriage between one man and one woman."

At the same time I learned on  BBC  Radio news reports that  150 Conservative M.P.s were rebelling against legalizing same-sex marriage—forcing the UK head of state goverment, to issue grave warnings across the aisle for support.

 The bill is being tabled by a former Tory minister, Tim Loughton, who opposes gay marriage, and instead has proposed an amendment that would allow for civil unions. 

Loughton has waged a public battle for his own amendment, claiming—without any real facts to back him up—that same-sex marriage will cost the taxpayers £4 billion in new “survivors” pensions. Labor leader Ed Miliband could end up the real kingmaker of the bill—and he could gain some real political capital.

Now, excuse me if I've missed something, Mr Loughton, but we have had what you refer to as "civil union" for many decades in the UK, aka common law marriages, legalized under the provision of 
sui juris marriage, informal marriage or marriage by habit and repute,

Common-law marriage, sometimes called sui juris marriage, informal marriage or marriage by habit and repute, is a form of interpersonal status that is legally recognized in limited jurisdictions as a marriage even though not legally recognized marriage ceremony is performed or civil marriage contract is entered into or the marriage registered in a civil registry.

 A common-law marriage is legally binding in some common law jurisdictions but has no legal consequence in others. In some jurisdictions without true common-law marriages, for example, Hungary, the term "common-law marriage" is used as a synonym for non-marital relationships such as domestic partnership or reciprocal beneficiaries relationship. A Sui Juris Marriage might only apply in the United States in this form. 

Indeed, civil marriages have been preformed in  registration offices across the length & breadth of the UK & have been common practice for many years, as an option available to those who could not participate in a religious ceremony as a result of discrimination against their social circumstance,

 ie  Sometimes the church banned divorced people from re marrying in church, or those with "illegitimate children" who had dared to conceive outwith the sanction of gods house and its rules,and in many cases it was the only mode of legitimizing the loving relationship between two adults that was affordable, or indeed available on the grounds of their gender sameness.

In recent years the word "civil " has being attached to the marriage debate in relation to gay rights, and the arguments involved in this issue reflect that the hierarchies of both the religious & political class still feel it is acceptable to discriminate and interfere in the relationships and union of individual adults based on gender discrimination, despite the fact that the Human rights act 1998; article 12 -the right to marry, article 14 - prohibition from discrimination, article 9- freedom of thought, conscience and religion, article 10- freedom of expression... introduced these rights into law and are indeed fundamental in respecting the rights of all civil societies of, or relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns.

Of course that is the same Human rights act, the UK prime minister is on record as saying he would like to rip up and replace with his own agenda for a bill of rights. 

 I found it particularly interesting that these topics were the focus of  BBC programming on the same day, on different  geographical regions, being approached via very different prospectus's, yet still, sharing a serious issue of discrimination's that affect our civil and human rights and are dictate of the state in regard of extremely personal area's of our private existence, emotions & social and mental well being. 

There is no doubt that the marrage between church and state has used its power to flex its muscles and manipulate the behaviors of citizens, in what they deem the interpretation of civil society is.

Since the beginning of modern religion it has been so, and the influance of religious leaders has played a fundamental role in constructing it so.

Indeed, it is widely recognized that the 10 commandments of the christian doctorate makes up the bases of internationally accepted law.

Interesting then, that commandments 7 thou shalt not commit adultery & 10 thou shat not covet, house or spouse of thy neighbour ( baring in mind that in biblical terms our neighbor is our fellow human beings irrespective of their gender.) make no mention of any unwritten commandment that Moses was too tired to engrave on the stone tablets that read, thou shalt not be gay!

Commandment 9, my favorite, thou shalt not bear false witness,
on the other hand, seems to have disappeared into oblivion, as these same religious and political hierarchies appear to do little other than bear false witness, and do so as they propagate and involve themselves in murder

commandment 6 thou shalt not kill
& commandment 8 thou shalt not steal,
 which they do under various guises & modes of operation which they contrive to write into law, then change & amend to suit their particular flavor of  political or religious bullshit .

In the last few years we have seen & heard countless reports on TV ,radio and newspapers about sexual abuses by members of the religious hierarchies of the christian faith which have gone on unpunished by law, or even the hierarchy within the church, choosing instead to cover it up  deny it, or accept the confession & repentance of such acts of abuse of position as  acceptable retribution, and thus, it is left unpunished by due process of the law. .

Nor are these revelations of abuse of power, be they, to inflict sexual or other abuse on civilians new, these  practices have been going on within of the church for centuries, and the link between church and state has served to protect the perpetrators of these crimes.

Nor should it go unspoken that within the political hierarchy, the marrage with church has served as a mode of procuring monies & investment to subsidies various state initiatives ,often against the wishes of the civil population whom they serve, and who subsidiaries their incomes through taxation, taxation which these same political hierarchies use cheatery & false witness to steal from and to enhance their personal, buisness and or social circumstances, to improve their personal lifestyles.

With all this in mind surely,
 in the 21st century it is time for the church and state to go for a quickie divorce .

In order that civilians in society can live free from the various types of discrimination's & abuses that these institutions use together in order to suppress, oppress & abuse fundamental human and civil rights .

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