Thursday, September 26, 2013

random thoughts ... Tribute to BILLY CONNOLLY

Last week  I was of line for a week due to the usual financial restraints!

On monday , i settled down to listen to a programme with Billy Connolly on the radio, as it happened The big yin had been mentioned on the news several times that day reporting on his prostate opp & diagnosis of Parkinson, when I heard the news I cant say I had any other thought than , well if any one can handle the news of that diagnosis its the big yin!
It wasnt a malitious thought, just one of them flyby ones....

I was a bit miffed that it turned out that the scheduled programme was actually a repeat of the week before, no one had thought to announce this.
They mentioned the illness again however, before the programme started & i think also at the end...
Billy's prostate probs where big news with the beeb!
which prompted another throw away thought on the subject...

I thought...

He's in his late sixties, he himself, has often spoke about the various things that can start tae go wrong as we age...
It could even be suggested the the Big Yin has been rehearsing for these times all his life...

If ever there was a man who had prepared him self and rehearsed for the onset of twitches, tics, funny walks & lots of tongue action hes yer man... I am sure he would say so himself.

Billy Connolly is a individual who will not only cope with his condition, he will do so with panche & character & the humor that he is.

I am a big Billy Connolly admirer. Billy Connolly has been an inspiration and teacher on my own journey through life, I have nothing but respect, , admiration & love for him.

I have laughed till i pee'd my pants at that man,
 I have toured Scotland & the world with him from my armchair,
 He has introduced me and showed me artisan art, cultural artifacts & architecture,

He has had my toe tapping and my voice howl as I sang along and enjoyed his musical performances,
made me smile & cry watching his various films, ( beautiful Joe, a particular favorite)
Billy Connolley inspired my writing & playing with words,
 & he introduced me to Shakespeare when I was 15 & tried to re write the taming of the shrew in Glaswegian after listening to D.I.V.O.R.C.E.
He is the subject of one of my poems dedicated to another of my favourite Scotts, Robert Burns , I wrote it for a Burns night when I worked at the Harbour Arts Centre in Irvine.
 Ode tae the Big yin!!! I have a copy somewhere , I look it out and post it at a later date. Its my tribute to his inspiration that made me write, which I love and find very therapeutical.

His story telling is an art form that raises awareness of so many issues, & he approaches his subject  with humour, in a masterly enthralling, educational, manner that you don't even realize your being taught but makes you soak in every detail cos he makes it interesting with  his enthusiasm & passion  which is reflected in his interaction.
I adore him , he is a god.

So, yeah, I wish him every good thing & health ...
and thank him with much sincerity for every smile he has gave me & woes he has helped me through,
evey thing he has taught me & showed me & every joy he has brought me...

& lang may he dance gayly naked round standing stones & ride his bike in nothing but his boots & hat...

For he is the pride of Glasgow &as crazy as moon in june ...

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