Monday, September 30, 2013

random another tightrope... prt 3

... she dance on sure footed...
as she the other side she stopped abruptly,
turned ,
tippy toed with graceful flow
 back to the middle of the tightrope
she stopped...on the high wire
& in loud voice she called to all...

have you enjoyed my little dance...
did you like to see me prance...
what were your thoughts when i slipped...
& hung along so long, with toe tight grip...
did you pray i'd get back up on track...
or did you hope i'd tumble down,
fall to the ground
my head all cracked...
& dance no more...
like a broken rag doll on the floor...
did you pause to wonder
what my thought were there
as i dangled,
suspended up in the air...
thinking perhaps...
that you didn't care...

well you should know,
that I believed in you...
for surely... what else could I do...
but cling on to my faith in you...

feeling like you didn't care...
oft'times filled me with despair...
for what survives without care...

 but now Iv come to the conclusion...
perhaps my faith in you was just ilusion...
cos i have heard  wispers loud...
floating up from amongst the crowd...
that I was wrong...
you didn't care...
so little point in me being here...

& with that she curtsied & bowed
to all the crowd...
spread her arms like wings...
turned ... pointed her toe...
& stepped of the wire...
into a swooping dive...
towards the crowd below...
who watched ....
 some frowning gasping ...
"oh no... oh no... oh no...
we didn't know..."
as she fell to land...
broken.. beyond repair...
leaving nothing more
but a trail of despair...
that hung forever in the air...
where no one
appeared to care...