Saturday, December 7, 2013


The following poem I wrote in 1982 while working in Damascus Syria. It was not about Syria or Palestine, it was written after watching footage on TV news reports from the Iran Iraq war.
However I think it reflects my sentiment, which still applys today, in regard of the millions of children & young people who die in wars fighting for religious & political agenda propagated by adults, children who should not be faced with the wars & conflicts that see them killed or driven from their lands when they should be enjoying childhood & their lifes free from tyrany  & the prospect of "martyrdom" that takes their young life's & put them in graves much earlier than any child should die.

         (Damascus Syria 1982)
They are the sons of martyrs
Children, they march to certain glory…
As there fathers and grandfathers before them.
They die for a cause … no longer clear
Brainwashed to die, without fear.
They say it is written, that this be the way
So, they march to they’re destiny…
Together they pray.
Thousands cry, Thousands die.
They and their forefathers …know the reasons why.
They die for religion
They die for their faith,
Too many unnamed martyrs
With unmarked graves.

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