Wednesday, December 11, 2013

the gift... a poem

she heard he dreamed of a better way...
a stone she gave him,
she had found on the shore...
near an ocean of luv,
a pebble of hope she thought...
with which to lay foundations
in the home of peace, he hoped 2 build...
for it is said that the key to a solid home
is in its foundations ...
& she hoped he would not cast it asunder
for that would wound her very soul...
& she had heard it had been said
only he without sin should cast stones

 & no one, was every truly, without sin...
 no stones should ever be cast to wound...
 although she had heard too...

that once upon another time...
a gentle, innocent child
had slain a mighty giant...
with a tiny pebble of hope...

&... also

A looking glass she gave him ...
that he could look ...
deep inside his soul ...
& see his inner strength,
his god self ...
in privacy...
& in reflections...
for in reflections humility is found...
& the warmth of the sun...
& the glow of the moon...
radiate, shine & reflect...
 from the souls of the humble...
bringing peace, comfort & love
to the world...

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