Tuesday, July 2, 2013

right to privacy v's mass goverment survalance

n recent weeks there has been a great deal of discussion in the media regarding whistle-blower Edward Snowdon.
Snowdon,  leaked NSA (National Security Agency) documents that reveal the mass surveillance of all American citizens, that reflected the US goverment is snooping into private communications, not only that, they are not alone, GCHQ In London has also been shown to be involved in same illegal  practice in UK.

It has become apparent that the documents leaked by Snowdon reveal that the surveillance doesn't stop there, it transpires that the USA via the NSA and its subsidiary agencies are spying on not only those considered to be their enemies or a danger to the United States, but it reveals they are also spying on their allies.

Now, I am not saying or implying this should be a surprise to us, its the 21st century, we know governments spy on us, we know also know they spy on each other, we seen it on James Bond films, we joked about it ,we laughed out loud about it...

However what concern me is the rhetoric surrounding all of these recent, and indeed, not so recent leaks, and the treatment of whistle-blowers as a result of  leaks, and not only that, but the responses we get from goverment, the media, and indeed the public, in regard of the whole leaking buisness.

I am not, and have never been what is regarded as a academic, I was a straight C student, perhaps because my mother was big on the Common sense approach to everything.

"Look at the evidence, add, divide and subtracts" she would tell me,

" Apply Common sense, think about it logically, don't jump to conclusions, think it over, reflect and then think it over again, before you decide what you think the evidence suggests, before you commit to a decision/conclusion"

Now to be fair, there ain't a great deal of time for that in many instances, certainly not in the exam room, which may account for the "C" grade study results,

However regarding the whistle-blower issues of late, and of the not so of late leaks, I'v done a lot of thinking on the subject, I'v coupled that with my own experience of justice and informing officialdom of poor /mal practice and unlawful behaviors and the reactions to this I personally received, as well as comparing it to other similar situations in regard to the subject of other people I have spoken to, or witnessed the treatment of, and without this blog turning into a novelette I shall try and present my arguments & conclusions in the most simple terms I can,( though I warn you, it won't be short in terms of blog content)

I shall endeavor to keep it simple because basically, we get enough complicated explanations from the experts representing goverment and their allies, as they put as complicated a spin on it as possible, perhaps to confuse the average man or woman who either doesn't understand the technical terminology, or even the subject matter, and end up with a,  it doesn't affect me so I don't care, attitude, when they really should care cos it really does affect them.

When it comes to the technicalities of cyder spying, espionage and the likes, I personally don't get it,
 its complicated to me, and thus I either get bored and give up or pissed off  with terminology, I am just like most people in this regard, I don't get IT, and thus think fuck it, and give up.

BUT... this is important shit, so I will try to explain my views on it in simple terms, with Common sense, in order to reach a conclusion that lets simpletons like me understand why its so fucking relevant and important, and why we should all be sitting up, paying attention and speaking up for the whistle-blowers who are, by and large Common folks just like us.

 I'm old enough to remember the "tapes what tapes?" scandal  that rocked the world when the Nixon Watergate affair broke in the media.

I was 10years old , too young to pay much attention to what it was all about, but old enough to remember the media coverage, hype and discussions it provoked, and the impact it had as it unfolded and played out.


Suffice to say, back then it was thought by many that such like things didn't happen couldn't happen, & that western governments and their representatives were the pillars of society and  thus would not involve in illegal behaviors and activities.

Many were outraged at the very idea, others said it was a dirty communist plan set up to bring down the good and great American goverment, and others, perhaps having had their own experiences, or insider insight of the corrupt behaviors and dirt that the good, bad and ugly in goverment get up to, shook their heads but remained silent, maybe even a little fearful of reprisals or impact on their own personal  private & indeed comercial affairs,

Cos for those who are brave enough to take on & expose the  not so honorably and noble guardians of  nations, there are always reprisals and high costs to pay both financially and personally, as the wrath of the so called, mighty defend their pack & pact.

See Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."


BUT THAT WAS THEN... I am dealing with NOW...

Today Pfc Bradley Manning a 25 year old American soldier is on trial for leaking classified information to the public.


Manning was arrested in may 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of having passed classified material to the website WikiLeaks. This information included documents that have come to be known as the Iraq war logs, The Afghanistan war logs; the collateral murder video & the diplomatic cables.


The 25-year-old Manning has said he did not believe the more than 700,000 battlefield reports, diplomatic cables and video clips he leaked while working as an intelligence analyst in Baghdad would hurt national security.

Prosecutors want to convict him of aiding the enemy, which carries a potential life sentence.


The American goverment has claimed that Manning, by releasing this information, has put life's of Americans  at risk, and in a press release 2010 following the exposure of the diplomatic cables that exposed corrupt behaviors & mal practices by diplomats & various  goverment & associated personnel  & officials, Hilary Clinton made the following statement.

" the united stated strongly condemn the disclosure of classified information, it puts people lives in danger, threatens our national security & undermines our efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems.

This administration is advancing a robust foreign policy, that is focused on advancing American's national interests, and leading the world in solving the most complex challenges of our time, from fixing the global economy, to thwarting international terrorism, to stopping the spread of catastrophic weapons to advancing human rights & universal values, in every country and every region of the world we are working with partners to pursue these aims, so lets be clear, this disclosure is not just n attack on America's foreign policy interests, it is an attack on the intentional community, the alliances and partnerships , the conversations and negotiations that safeguard global security and advance ecconomic prosperity, I am confident, that the Obama administration has worked so hard to build will withstand this challenge. The president and I have made these partnerships a priority, and we are proud of the progress they have helped achieve, and they will remain at the center of our efforts.

I will not comment on or what are alleged to be stolen state department cables, but I can say that the united states deeply regrets the disclosure of any information that was intended to be confidential, including private discussions between counterparts or diplomats personal assessments and observation. I want to make clear that our official foreign policy is not set through these messages but here in Washington, our policy is a matter of public record as reflected in our statements and our actions around the world.

 I would also add that to the American people and to our friends and partners, I want you to know we are taking aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information.

 I have directed that specific action be taken at the state department in addition to new security safeguards at the department of defense and elsewhere to protect state department information so this kind of breach cannot and does not ever happen again.

Relations between governments aren't the only concern by the publication of this material.

Us diplomats meet with local human rights workers, journalists, religious leaders and others outside of governments who offer their own candid insights, these conversations also depend on trust and confidence, for example if an anti corruption activist shares information about official misconduct, or a social worker passes along documentation about sexual violence revealing that persons identity could have serious repercussions imprisonment torture even death,

so, whatever are the motives in disseminating these documents it is clear that releasing them poses real risks to real people and often to the very people who have dedicated their own lives to protecting others.

Now, I'm aware that some might mistakenly applause those responsible, though I want to set the record straight, there is nothing laudable about endangering innocent people and there is nothing about sabotaging the peaceful relations between nations on which our common security depends.

There have been examples in history in which official conduct has been made public in the name of exposing wrong doings or misdeeds, this is not one of those cases.

 In contrast what is being put on display in this cash of documents is the fact that American diplomats are doing the work we expect them to do, they are helping identify and prevent conflicts before they start, they are working hard everyday to solve serious practical problems to secure dangerous materials , to fight international crime, to assist human rights defenders, to restore our alliances to insure global ecconomic stability, this is the role America plays in the world , this is the role our diplomats play in serving America, and it should make everyone of us proud.

The work of our diplomats doesn't just benefit Americans, but also billions of others around the globe.

In addition to endangering particular individuals disclosures like these tare at the fabric of the proper function of responsible goverment.

People of good faith understand the need for sensitive diplomatic communications both to protect the national interest and the global common interest. Every country including the united states must be able to have candid conversation about the people and nations with whom they deal, and every country including the united states must be able to have honest private dialogue about issues of common concern, I know that diplomats around the world share this view, but this is not unique to diplomacy in every profession whither is law or journalism , finance or medicine or academia or running a small buisness people rely on confidential communications to do their jobs, we count on the space of trust that confidentiality provides, when someone breaches that trust we are all worse off for it.And so, despite some of the rhetoric we have heard these past few days confidential communications do not run counter to the public interest, they are fundamental to our ability to serve the public interest.

In America we welcome genuine debates about pressing questions of public policy, we have elections about them, that is one of the greatest strengths about our democracy, it is a part of who we are and it is a priority  of this administration, but stealing confidential documents and then releasing them without regard for the consequences does not serve the public good and it is not the way to engage in a healthy debate.

In the past few days I have spoken to my counter parts around the world, and we have all agreed that we will continue to focus on the issues and tasks at hand. In that spirit president Obama and I remain committed

to productive cooperation with our partners as we seek to build a better more prosperous world for all.


Lets now consider the content of this speech and some of the evidence we are aware of that has come to light since 2010, in regard of whistle-blowers, Bradley Manning and others like him,and the position of those who bring to the public the information they leak,  journalist like, Julian Assange & his organization Wikileaks, Glen Greenwald and Jeremy Hammond as well as  others like them, doing what their professional remit requires of them as journalist, bringing to the pubic news of public interest and public concern,

Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.” (George Orwell)


Since Clinton made the above statement in 2010, there has been no evidence to collaborate that the documents leaked by Bradley Manning has put lives at risk, and a military judge overseeing the trail of Manning has refused to allow the defense to cite evidence that reflect that internal goverment reviews have found the leak caused minimum damage, contradicting prosecutors contention Manning harmed national security and aided US foes" The judge said the impact of the leak is irrelevant to Manning's case.

The judge also rejected a defense request to present testimony from United Nations rapporteur Juan Mendez who says the united states treatment of Manning may amount to torture.

On this point I will say for now only, that this suggest that the Manning trial is unfair, as evidence is being suppressed, in favor of the prosecution, and reflects bias in the judiciary process regarding the presentation of evidence that would allow fair and balanced assessment of the fact pertaining to the case.

In addition to these points, these actions by the judge, also stand to reflect that the disclosed information in regard of the Manning leaks, have not put life's at risk. According to an internal review by goverment officials which contradicts the statement by Hilary Clinton, and in addition, the evidence offered by Juan Mendez, which is widely available on the internet, reflects that in this case, it is  Manning who has been put at risk of harm & danger by the US goverment & Us military.



Human Rights Act 1998 
Article 3 right to prohibition of torture.
Article 6 right to a fair trial.
,Article 7 right to no punishment without law.
Article 14 prohibition of discrimination.

yet, this is collaborated  when Clinton states;

" I want you to know we are taking aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information."

There is no question that the torture or abusive treatment of a military private awaiting trial reflects aggressive steps are being taken to influance the trial and behaviors of those giving evidence against the goverment in this case, or that the prospect of being a recipient of torture or abusive treatment could be regarded as a deterrent or threat of reprisals to others who may seek to expose mal practice by officials or agencies in the future.

Nor is it in the public's interest that these sort of threats by goverment on prospective whistle-blowers is acceptable, because if governments are allowed to suppress or oppress the free flow of information that serves in the public interest to safeguard the public from harm, we are no longer dealing with a free or democratic society, but by  dictatorial governance which operates by means of tyranny.
Not omitting that it is also in complete contrast to Article 17 & 18 of The Human Rights act 1998,
& Amendments 6, 10,14,15,of the US Constitution  & protocols of the Geneva Convention.


It could be suggested, that  for decades the public has been reliant on writers & film makers, journalists and artists to be the conveyors of public interest stories and information.

It has been with them that the task of policing the overlords and hierarchies, and holding them accountable has been laid.

This task, which carries a heavy load of responsibility, is only possible when they are able to exercise their right to freedom of speech & expression, without which we are back to the practice of tyranny, dictatorial goverment and oppressed societies.

 In my efforts to consider and analysis the content of the speech noted previously by Hilary Clinton, as well as,  goverment behaviors and actions that are reflected in it,...
 (with the  common sense approach that my mum recommended when considering evidence and reaching conclusions in regard of, any case... ) I broke down the content of the speech into sections in order to look at the whole picture of goverment spin on corruption, war crimes, surveillance and how whistle-blowers have come to be treated as criminals, as opposed to private citizens or public servants exposing wrong doing  & or mal practice that is in the public interest and that the pubic should be aware of, in order to ensure public safety.

 I asked myself a number of  primary questions, which have additional secondary elements attached that I have addressed.

Always baring in mind, that once upon a time, being a whistle-blower was deemed a courageous and noble thing to do, as it served the public interest & therefore greater good of communities and society as  whole.

I shall now go through  that break down of the speech & address the questions I asked myself,
 with my assessment of each, and conclusions reached before summarizing my final overall conclusion.

" the united stated strongly condemn the disclosure of classified information, it puts people lives in danger, threatens our national security & undermines our efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems

Question 1.   (A) What is classified information ?
                     (B) What is the relevance of information being classified ?
                     (C) How does this relate to  c1. individuals?
                                                                c2. buisness?
                                                                c3. Nation states.?

answer 1 (A)

Classified information is sensitive information to which access is restricted by law or regulation to particular classes of persons as is defined by

http://www.thefreedictionary.com/classified+information  defined it thus-

Official information that has been determined to require, in the interests of national security, protection against unauthorized disclosure and which has been so designated.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.

answer 1 c1.
Classified information incorporates more than this by the definition of most people, and would include issues related to the private and personal information of all citizens as divined by human rights act article 8 Right to respect for private live.

This would be further extended to incorporate certain issues related to buisness & professional  protocols & conduct and include issues of medical confidentiality's, legal confidentiality and of course religious confidentiality.

Which leads on to the wider issues concerning what deems information & data confidential on a national basis, and as such, who does that concern in whose best interest is it to be aware of what it contains, who ultimately pays the wages of, and on whose behalf is the data collection controller working for, which in a democratic society is the citizen electors, who pay the taxes, that pay the salary of those making the decisions on their behalf.

The relevance of information being classified relates very much to article 8,5 & 14 of The Human Rights Act 1998 and issues related to the Geneva Convention 12th August 1949 that protects the wounded and sick in armed forces in the field; wounded, sick and shipwrecked members of armed forces at sea; prisoners of war; and civilians who find themselves under the rule of a foreign power in the event of international conflict.

This leads to the presumption also, that the four original treaties of the Geneva Convention extends to protect personal protection from harm, safety & security of person to individuals citizens everywhere.

As individuals the relevance of the right to personal & family live would seem obvious in relation to
dignity and indeed often religious dictated believes in relation to the individual self.

Some might argue that some of the areas that this would relate to are socially constructed elements influenced by religious dictate, and also vary dependent on cultural believe, none the less they have for centuries been a part of mans emotional & mental phyci and thus it is widely and generally accepted that they are applicable, and since the abolition of slavery, are accepted norms around which most laws are based.

Therefore as individuals & adults we we would expect our medical records to be private unless authorization by the individual concerned be given, for disclosure in relation to

a. Health related issues & or guardianship responsibilities.
b. Essential and relevant file sharing issues in relation to social health or care issues.
c. Issues related to  Right of attorney or regal representation.
d. Issues related to mental health act
e. Article 9,10,12,& 14 represent the areas that the rights to a private & personal life
   would expect to be covered as of the generally accepted issues which permission for disclosure of          information would be expected to be required in relation to confidentiality.

All of these issues are also protected by Data protection acts and laws like,
The Privacy Act of 1974 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy_Act_of_1974
and The data Protection act 1998 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/29/contents

It has been argued since it was proposed that the DPA is complected, and that whilst basic principles are seen to be honored for protecting privacy,  this has been reflected to show this is not the case in reality.
And examples of this would be represented by;

The Leverson inquiry and issues related to corrupt behaviors with in the police force, media and goverment.


The Jimmy Saville pedophilia inquiry that shows patients in Dartmoor hospital were being abused while in the states care with what would appear to suggest the knowledge of officials.


It has been reported that many companies organizations and individuals are both unsure of the rules that apply and additionally, are unaware of the aims, content and principles of the DPA thus, it can be reflected to show that these failure surrounding data protection by government agencies and its representatives put individual and communities at risk of not only mal practice but risk to personal & community safety.

It is also prevalent to remember that issues related to the misuse of power are closely associated in relation to abuse to the right to private and personal life, and abuses and violations of this right is often seen to reflected in relation to emotional and mental abuses, blackmail, Bribery & conspiracy or cohesion to act unlawfully in relation to both private and buisness practice.

In regard of confidentiality the question becomes, at least to me, even more of a philosophical & ethical conundrum...
which evolves thus,

If in democratic society the goverment is the representative of  the peoples choice to act on their behalf, and in line with the consensus of the majority,
Information they seek and collect on behalf of the people, in the pretext of defense should not, in itself, give rise or reason to cause threat or harm to the people,in relation to their actions, and behaviors, in respect of communications of citizens at home or abroad.

In line with the assumption that most democratic societies conform to principles often based in religious doctrines that dictate we should practice ethical and cultural tolerance,that we should, if it harms none, respect the boundaries of personal, comercial and national privacy and agreements within the sphere
to peacefully conduct our lives free and safe from harm,a nd then the question becomes, why is it that then their is such a thing as espionage/ spying, at all?

It is fair to suggest that the masses are aware that governments spy on them and on each other.
In areas of national security we learn about it often from James Bond films, we make jokes about it, laugh out loud, do impressions of spy like stereotyped characters, and revel in films like "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy", "The man who knew to much", "The spy who came in from the cold". 
we tell our self's its exaggerated to make a good film and that its not that bad in real live, but the fact remains that  since the days before the cold war we the masses are aware that spy's exist, that governments spy on each other under the pretext of national defense and safety and in fairness as a result of historical records that reflect nations have had just cause to distrust each other resulting from hostile actions and behaviors against them usually in the name of power and glory.

Which it could be said reflects issues relating to the types of actions and behaviors that determine what contributes to "threaten national security & undermine efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems."


"This administration is advancing a robust foreign policy, that is focused on advancing American's national interests, and leading the world in solving the most complex challenges of our time, from fixing the global economy, to thwarting international terrorism, to stopping the spread of catastrophic weapons to advancing human rights & universal values, in every country and every region of the world we are working with partners to pursue these aims, so lets be clear, this disclosure is not just n attack on America's foreign policy interests, it is an attack on the intentional community, the alliances and partnerships"

question 2    What are a nations national / international interests.?
question  3   What are the complex challenges of our time?
 question  4  What is terrorism and additionally international terrorist?
 question  5  What are catastrophic weapons?
 question 6   What are human rights & universal values?
 question 7   What is the biggest threat to international  community?
 question 8   What attracks are being perpetrated on the international community and by who?

answer question 2 It would seem apparent to most, that a nations interest are the health & social being of its citizens and therefore their communities, services, and the ecconomic ability & stability that enables these services and health and social needs to be met.

A healthy nation is a wealthy nation.

This would include services such as education, health & front-line services,
ecological & maintenance services in regard of travel & infra structure, the national grid (power & energy services) & including housing & road, food cultivation/farming & agriculture /manufacturing.
Commercial  & financial services & industry.

answer question 3  It would be fair to suggest that the effects of climate change aside, the most complex challenges of our time are the issues of international trust, temperance, transparency & tolerance in public, legal & judiciary and buisness practice.

These virtues in practice then allow for advancing human rights & universal values, in every country and every region of the world
 that accomodate the pursuit of forming international cooperation and aid in all aspects of trade, communication, integration, development and ecconomic growth, that enable safe, stable communities and nations to flourish, which in turn would see the elimination of the spread of catastrophic weapons, international terrorism & a reduction on international crime, that in turn would help to contribute to the fixing of the global economy as well as in time, eradicating the fundamental issues behaviors and actions that inflame global wars and  prevent peace.

answer question 4 Terrorism is defined as
The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. by
and accordingly defined by http://www.thefreedictionary.com/terrorism
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

I would personally define it as the infliction of abusive, threatening discriminative and or cohesive behavior & actions by individuals or groups on other individual or groups.

This could be represented by children bullying a peer in respect of any of the subjects listed in anti discrimination legislation, or teachers, mentor on children, or employers on employees.

It would be represented by members of religious or political or other organizations, using positions of power and influance in order to invoke fear or retribution by pressure of status or position on others, and this would include that of goverment representatives and agencies on an international scale.

answer question 5
  The official line to define catastrophic weapons, would I suggest be,
 Weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons, and  include chemical weapons. 
The  official line that would designate what a chemical weapon is would probably be refined and reduced to include generally & primarily on chemical weapons that had a lethal and deadly impact via air-born & respiratory transmission, and severe physical impact on nervous system and or dermatological conditions.

It would rarely be seen to include chemicals, or poisons that impact on individuals via pharmaceutical  medications used in drug addiction & treatment, or drug treatments that pertain to behavior modification treatments used to treat mental health disorders, and other medical conditions, however is is known that these types of pharmaceutical chemical have been used in not only experimental conditions, but as aids to torture techniques, used in many war like scenario, and evidence of this can be found in not only historical records related to the concentration camps and experiments of Nazi Germany.

During World War II, a number of German physicians conducted painful and often deadly experiments on thousands of concentration camp prisoners without their consent, http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005168
and there is plenty of evidence that support in other period from history, hierarchy's used drugs or poisons with addictive properties to control the behaviors and actions of there subversives or slaves and this extended, and is evident in the use of food, a basic need to human survival, being used as a means of controlling slaves and subservient not only as a means of excerpting power, but also as an incitement to comply by the slave or subservient.

This could easily be recognized as being practiced in the NOW by corporations and businesses involved in stock piling foods and grains and other commodities in order to manipulate prices. As wells as that which is implicated by the manipulation of food via GM ( genetic modification)

Further more, it should be recognized that the manipulation of financial institutions is also linked
in relation to food, fossil fuel and precious stones metals and elementals, and it has long been recognized that trading within these sectors are reputed to be thwart with corruption, extortion & politically motivated gang war & terrorism.

Thanks to information provide by whistle-blowers & various media reports the public was informed in regard of the Libor banking scandal. This scandal clearly reflected the extent of corrupt behaviors & malpractice linking goverment & to financial markets as well as reflecting the injustice and divisions in the treatment of criminal perpetrators of these white collar crimes in comparison to the treatment of citizen criminals among the ordinary populous.
Although the organizations received fines & were made to pay back monies individual bankers and associates committing these crimes were not subject of criminal court proceedings , imprisonment or justice.


answer question 6
Issues related to the definition of what human rights and universal values have been divined by previous questions answered, and universal values, its fair to suggest, that by any measure it is widely accepted that amongst the majority of the international masses people generally aspire to the attainment of international peace and ability to feel safe and security within, not only our property and our streets and communities but in the global arena.
To be able to participate in contributing to our communities through secure employment with fair working conditions and pay scales.
To be able to feel assured that we can provide for the needs of our families in safe risk free working and social conditions fee from harm or risk to people or indeed environment.
To be able to pursue trading and social iterations with global communities that secure the development and safe economical growth of our communities and nations for future generations.
Free from aggressive behaviors or actions that threaten international relationships, alliances and
free flow of essential live sustaining substances or commodities or stocks.

answer question 7
The biggest threat to international communities is, and has historically been proven to be,
the consistent inability of those representing leadership and governance to implement the fundamental principles related to issues, I determine as the big 5.
Temperance,Truth Transparency Tolerance & Talk.
I believe these are the core foundations that pave the way to attaining world peace and international security.
Indeed, I would go as far as extending that to inter Galactican security in as much as, our determination as mankind is also dependent on the sustainability of the planet,
 the planet is dependent on the ecological system ,
and thus is dependent on all species that exist within it,
 this is further dependent on atmospheric and climatic influences
& natural elemental forces like weather & climate to extraction and interferences with the planet in relation to extractions of both Fosse fuels and other natural resources seen to have comercial or otherwise valued properties.

answer question 8
In recent year evidence has come to prove that the biggest attacks on the international community are being perpetrated by the very people elected and entrusted with the purpose of protecting the very core principle that equate to the articles of the human rights act and treaties determined in the Geneva convention.

It could also be shown to reflect that these abuses of power are being ruthlessly propagated & financed through further abuse of corporate leverage & cohesion.
And that corruption, mal practice and flagrant abuses of power and status are being used to manipulate individuals, businesses, organizations & financial institutions to the detriment of the global masses and further to suppress the rights of the people to be informed in relation to issues of public interest and concern which puts them at risk of danger harm and life.

It appears clear from Hilary Clinton's statement of 2010 that the American goverment do not intend to make accountable to the public those guilty of wrong doings and mal practice,.

There have been examples in history in which official conduct has been made public in the name of exposing wrong doings or misdeeds, this is not one of those cases.

Recent events and cases related to the treatment of journalist and political activist & citizen journalist & whistle-blowers, clearly reflects this  is supported by incidents related to the increase of arrests of journalist globally & treatment they receive.

The treatment of Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Jeremy Hammond, Arron Swartz, Michael Hastings, Nabeel Rajaab, and many others, now including Ed Snowdon , who are being subjected to harsh legal struggles & treatment by goverment in league with the judiciary, against injustice for informing the public, of the crimes against humanity being perpetrated by governments in partnership with big corporations and financial institutions,& it is these individuals named who are endeavoring to safeguard the global community by making the global community aware of the injustices, corruptions and mal practices being perpetrated against them.

http://www.aaronsw.com/  http://gawker.com/5975889/the-death-of-aaron-swartz-and-the-new-hacker-crackdown http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz

It is also clear that the message that whistle-blowers journalists, citizen journalist, activist and ordinary citizens are reporting indicate that American & UK goverment along with their partners and so called allies are taking aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information.

It would also appear evident that it is these aggressive steps by goverment & sum of the so called diplomats that are sabotaging the progress of international relationships economically, & socially and undermining the development growth and safety of nations and citizens, while those who are rightfully informing the public of the inconsistencies, inequalities inadequacies corruption & crimes against humanity being perpetrated by goverment are being oppressed & suppressed, tortured , murdered and imprisoned, as government collude to prevent the truth getting out.

There is no doubt in my mind that the truth is now out there as to the issues that undermine global relations & economic and personal prosperity, nor can their now be any doubt about public record of the US, UK other States powers around the world in relation to conduct.

The leaked documents related to Prism & mass surveillance of private information screams games a bogy in a echoing scream,  http://youtu.be/WaT9UXg0U8E

The Collateral murder video and Wikleaks documents revel the extent of illegal activities being conducted by goverment and military personal that equate to war crimes and crimes against humanity


All of these issue reflect back at us what is preventing advances in ecconomic prosperity and security.
In conclusion, I suggest that as Hilary Clinton states

 "when someone breaches that trust, we are all worse off for it. "

She is completely correct, and the records, documents, and all other evidence presented & reflected shows that the US goverment in partnership with the UK and other alliance partners  have blatantly and flagrantly been proven to have breached these trusts, as well as most, if not all of the articles pertaining to the human rights act, and as a result should be held accountable through legal and due process pathways in line with the rights of the global masses who they claim to represent and work for.

And so, despite some of the rhetoric we have heard confidential communications do not run counter

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