Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Random thoughts... whats love got to do with it

Iv bin in a reflective mood...
sometimes this can be good...
sometimes it can be bad... I think to much...
I go off on a tangent... I'm a Gemini, mercurial, I believe for us, its fairly normal...
but it can be a bastard...
My mum used to say I was a contradiction in terms,
I never really got what that meant - not really- not till recently
and then thinking about it it kinda made sense..
I get a thought & almost immediately I get a contra thought
( often questioning or contradicting the 1st with a 'aye but...
 but what if... whatever..., or some other form of but...'
so I am often at odds with myself...i suppose...

my mum used to say I could start an argument in an empty house... &
that I was my own worst enemy... my daughter says the same
my daughter thinks I am too analytical ... that i analysis everything and every one...
maybe I do... particularly myself ... I think I have for years...
the journey we all take of self discovery , & frankly do any of us
ever completely succeed on that path ... I think not,
cos the horizon is always further on....
down the rd... & sometimes over the hill...
what am I getting at? fuck knows... we'll see
it was in the title random thoughts...


I been thinking about love... more than usual...
and i think about it a lot...
in its different forms... I ponder...
"what's love got to do with it? like the song ask's?"
and I think ...pretty damn much everything >>>
yet,then i wonder, is it the other way round....
it's certainly fundamental to the welfare of man , mankind...
it's been proven...
we as humans from the moment we are born thrive on its essence ...
& love , its what makes the world go round... or so they say
or is that money?or the love of money...
 & how can that be deemed love -
when it causes so much misery...

but love,... is love the seed of all else good?
or the by product ...of all else good that evolves to
 become love... & in love ...& with love
& without... all else good what becomes of love
what becomes of all else good in the absence of love...
or likes of all that love is said to be ...or not to be... like
or might be or could be if the essence of love or all that love is like
& said to be is naught but fantasy.. & mind delusion...
is love then little more than mindful illusion of a wish...
for that which love is said to be & what it does...
 to he & thee... & me...
& all else... that we see or wish to be... or could be
with love ....

to be continued...

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