Thursday, September 5, 2013

reply to previous corrispondance from Brian Donohoe MP central ayrshire regarding war crimes & duty of care & responsability

Mr Donohoe,
Once again thank you for your speedy response to my last communication regrading chemical weapons & war crimes.

In your reply to that communication, you suggests you are unsure of the points I made with regard to war crimes, Tony Blair and duty of care & responsibility, so I reply in an attempt to clarify these point for you, and hopefully make it clear what I understand to be your duty of care & responsibility, to not just your constituents but the wider public in your role as an MP, a role which it is my belief, provides you with a good salary and expenses, from the public coffers into which tax payers contribute.

Firstly, let me explain, my academic background is within the social care sector, where I studied Health & Social Welfare, Social policy & latterly European social policy, at Degree level, although I received my FDA for my 1st two years, I was unable to complete my final year at BA level due to health issue which affected my ability to attend university & complete my Studies.
None the less I have a sound knowledge of the subject & the acts of law & policies procedures relevant.

So, let me first address the point you say you don't understand regarding Duty of care & responsibility, and be clear about the point I was making.

Duty of care is paramount in the role of social health & welfare.

In your role as an MP, you play a fundamental role in insuring the policies and procedures of social policy & government are in the best interest of the public, your constituents & indeed the wider public as a whole.

Politics, are of course, the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, and as such are concerned with a whole range of sectors, all relate to social health & social care which include,

1. Personal Care & Protection from risk of harm or danger, including mental health issues,

2. Social Care , which includes, housing, front-line services, community resources, employment , defense & of course financial, & care of the economy...  to mention but a few, for example a "health nation is a wealth nations"...

So, the point I was making Mr Donohoe, is that, as a MP you have a duty of care & responsibility to the public to insure that the health & social care policies, and procedures of government, are in the best interest of the people & ecconomic good of the nation. Whither that be as a member of the party leading government, or in opposition.

Additionally, in your role as a representative of the people who have, or have not voted for you personally,
 you have a duty  & responsibility to insure that legal presidencies, and acts of legislation are adhered to, and not just nationally but internationally, indeed, as a representative of the people who voted for you, your responsibility, in that context is to act impartially, irrespective of personal or party loyalties.

You have duty is to insure that the law is upheld & does not pose threat or risk to the public, nationally or internationally,  that Mr Donohoe,is your duty as a public servant and representative of the people, in a social care context.
Which is what being an MP means, you work for, and are paid, by us, the people of the nation, & your duty is to our Social health & welfare needs & the health of the nations economy,  & that includes protection from corruption in government, or by government leaders, what ever party, or whoever they may be.

Frankly Mr Donohoe, I find it rather alarming that you asked the question "Where does a “duty of care” apply in relation to Members of Parliament?" you should know the answer to that , you have a duty to know the answer to that.

Now to your next point of query regrading war crimes & Tony Blair.

You state in your reply "it is not the role of Members of Parliament to initiate criminal charges." I disagree.
It is the responsibility of any citizens to report and initiate legal action if there is suspicion or evidance to suggest a crime has been committed.

Good god , Mr Donohoe, where is your sense of ethic and moral compass?
The whole rhetoric  around which last weeks paramilitary vote regarding Syria, was based on the allegations that Assad had committed war crimes by using chemical weapons on his own people, & thus committed crimes against humanity.
Right now, the president of the USA is hell bent on starting world war 3 on these very allegations related to the use of chemical weapon & crimes against humanity, to date unproven allegations.

These are almost identical allegations that were made against Sadam Hussian, and were given as the reaon Tony Blair took the UK into the Iraq war, which saw an estimated 157,531 civilian deaths, & 4,802 US & Coalition military killed  between 2003–2011,
& that does not include those injured or displaced or who will suffer ongoing trauma (PST) as a result of that war, and you have the impertinence to ask me about the role of  “duty of care” applicable in relation to Members of Parliament, & suggest
It is not the role of an MP to initiate a complaint on their behalf of the public he serves.

Your role Mr Donohoe is one of public servant , as I have already stated,
your role Mr Donohoe is to protect the needs & welfare priorities of the people, nationally & internationally,
 your role is to hold accountable those who seek to harm, or who have caused harm to the masses,
That is your duty, that is what you are paid for by the people, and that is what should come above any personal or party loyalty you have.

You have a duty to act in the best interest of the people in regard of all social & health issues, and you have a duty to do so irrespective  of your own political ideology, including bringing to justice those from your own party who are subject of suspicion and allegation of mal practice in office, or of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

That is your role in the context of protection Mr Donohue, and your political role apart , do you have sense of personal  moral obligation to uphold the law, & pursue justice and truth in regard of the allegations of war crimes against Tony Blair who was found guilty
by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal,( KLWCT)
Granted, this may not have been an officially recognized international court room or tribunal, however those involved were people with recognized credentials & academics, and additionally they are not alone in these allegations, there have been many like them who have made testament, that Blair is indeed a war criminal & should be persuade accordingly for his crimes.

Furthermore, I find your comment that states "Tony Blair is no longer in Government" all but insulting.

Tony Blair may not be in government, however he still has an influential  role in government  as
Middle East peace envoy for the UN, US, EU and Russia, and has great influance on decision making  & as a lobbyist as has been reflected by  Mr Cameron who said Mr Blair "does lobby me from time to time on things like the Middle East peace process"

In conclusion Mr Donohoe, I hope I have now explained clearly the points you were unsure of regarding duty of care & responsibility.

I further hope that it have made my opinion clear as to why Tony Blair should be tried as a war criminal , but just to reiterate, and insure there is no misunderstanding of what I believe your legal duty as both MP & citizen are in this regard, let me refer you back to the points regarding the use of chemical weapons in Syria and last weeks vote, and remind you that Tony Blair was responsible for mis- leading the British public with regard to leading the UK into the Iraq war,
& involved in actions and behaviors widely documented in reliable accredited sites on the internet, including in the Iraq war diaries  and, as is presented & clear from his testiment in the Chilcot enquiry

As to your comment regarding what I expect from you Mr Donohoe,
well frankly, given the fact that you were unaware of what your responsibility and duty of care & responsibility are as an MP, which is reprehensible, I expect nothing from you, because frankly Mr Donohoe, you have clearly reflected you have nether the integrity or intelligent to hold the position you do.
 Thanks for your time.

Sincerely ,
June MacKendrick.

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