Wednesday, February 25, 2009



OK , SO blogging as i understand it is suposed to be an on line diary but as i have come to recognise thats not really what professiobnal bloggers do what they do is , i think anyway, primerally stick there nosy beaks into other people buisness , fuck about with it put there own slant on it and cause all sorts of bad feeling to those they write about , which is primeraly celebrities i mean personally i don't give a flying fuck what slapper russell brand is or isn't fucking this week , although his missus might, and him being who he is he's open to all sorts of acusations alligations so i would be hard pressed to believe whatever shit mr bloggy makeitup and print it writes and frankly its no ones beeswax except mr brands and his missuses, and i could careless about wither paris hilton is wearing pink knickers shitty knickers or no knickers god knows who cares if she don't and is amy whithouse wants to drink her sorrows away then its her choice although i personally would rather she didn't waste her talent it ain't my buisness nor concern although i wish her well and hope she gets the help and support she needs to find whatever it is she is looking for.
surely in this day and age there are far more important things to concern ourselfs with , like when is gorden brown gonna get sacked for bring down the ecconomic stability of the country and the corrupt system we are be subjected to by local goverment and social control department of said goverment.
so blogging as we have come to know it is way far from on line diarys its the writings of wannabe no marks who want to make names forthemself off the backs of other peoples misery and personally i want no part of that.
HOWEVER as it's part of my module i shall endevour to do a blog in the style i feel it is meant and it will be an on line diary of my own greavences about issues i feel are relevant to my life and possibly others hence the reason i have posted the stuff i have today previous to this post.
It was also in the assinment notes that i should pass on my password and stuff in order that it could be edited by my tutors so as not to offend well FUCK THAT fail me, i will not be edited i believe in freedom of speech and also why the fuck would i be so stupid as to do that , giving freehabnd for my tutor should he so wish to go on my blog and spread whatever propaganda he may wish to under my name , i worry enough about hackers as it is wothout inviting them if with a free hand and i'm not the most clever when it comes to it skills hence the problems i have so far with even basic directions from my instructors at uni and hence the reason i now feel all but obliged to throw in the towel.

ANYWAY, I shall try to continue blogging on a reglar basis with my own grips and moans of which there are many as best i can and to the best of my ability till i get bored with it or .... whastever... anything else you want to know ask , oh and i got a facebook to same name same bullshit , so for now i'm gonna blogg off and catcha later...

ps. does anyone know if zane lowe the supersexy dj from radio one is still with his missus or is he on the market cos god knows theres a man i'd like to have a cuppa tea ,cheese toast and chat with , who knows what i could be blogging there after.... laters junei

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