Wednesday, February 25, 2009

11.34am Wednesday 19th November 2008


On the 28th of July this year I read the following statement to a judge in the Telford county courts;

I have been advised by everyone I know to keep my mouth shut and let someone else speak for me today as a result of the language I use a I could be deemed in contempt of court and sentenced to 28 days in prison.
However my mother taught me to stand up for myself and what I believe is right.
I would like to ask the court to refer my case to the high court and counter claim against Telford & Wrekin Council and the burocrasy it represents as in accordance with THE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS ACT 1998 and as affective from 2000 which is intended to protect individuals from abuse by any public body including local authorities, police, and government departments.
I cite;
The data protection act 1998
The mental health act 1983
The child protection act 1998
The chronically sick and disabled persons act 1970
And the NHS7 Care in the community act 1090
And I shall provide government statistics and polices to support my claim/ allegations, which I have with me today.

I was informed by the judge that I had a valid case and right to have it heard. He advised me to seek legal representation and advise to file this case independently thought the courts, as he had to deal with the present case as presented at the time. He also advised me that I was entitled to legal aid as a student and as at the time between courses I was in fact registered as unemployed and had not decided as to whither or not take up the third year option on my course to up grade to a BA honours degree in social care and social policy as a result of the problems my last to years have caused financially.

Since then I have contacted several lawyers, councillors, the CAB and the law society to try and find representation however as soon as I explain what I want help with and why I am told they don’t deal with these types of cases the law society has yet to acknowledge my email.
I have even tried contacting the press to no avail.
I have received on the 7th October 2008 notification from Telford and Wrekin council that I am in arrears again, despite the fact that I have for the period they are claiming been in receipt of housing benefit.
As I have an outstanding balance of £141.42 AND will again be liable to pay court costs of £230.
I have also contacted several press and media sources in hope of some advice before trying to file my counter claim myself however no one wants to know.
With this in mind I then posted this on the internet and wherever else I feel someone who may be able to advise me as to what someone has to do to receive justice in the U.K.
And since then my internet connection has been down and my phone cut off making it all but impossible for me to contact or perform many of the people who could advice or help me with my current situation.
Subsequently my health has therefore continued to deteriorate mentally and emotionally and the financial circumstances that continue to create more financial strain and stress appear to multiply and affect the entire family unit negatively. Which I believe results from societal issues resulting from poor social care and welfare.
I have now today received a letter from the Telford and Wrekin housing trust reminding me of my court appearance regarding further rent arrears on Friday although the notice I have for the court date is Monday 24th. When they intend to have me evicted from my home.
I now feel it is necessary for me to make public the details surrounding the case and explain the reason I feel my human rights have been violated by the Telford and Wrekin council, the dhss, the CSA and the justice system and therefore subsequently the government of the united kingdom who these bodies represent.
I fully realise that this statement may have me deemed mentally instable as a reflection of my diagnosed past history of depression however I believe I have sufficient evidence to prove that I am not mentally instable and to support and prove my allegations.
I also understand that in the course of my actions I may have broken several laws and could end up in prison as a result of my actions and the adverse results this could have on my children however as I have reached a point in my life where I can no longer cope with the situation with out negative results on my families emotional and behaviour health in the future I feel that I have no other options but to continue on the path I am and endeavour to find justice not only for myself but for the 1in 4 people in the united kingdom who I believe I represent who live in deprivation depression and social inequality resulting from poor government practice, and policy over the last 46- 50 years as history would suggest.

I therefore would like now to invite anyone working in the media interested in these other details and evidence to contact me if they would like to know the story given the hype surrounding the human right of a exotic dancer, Jonathan Ross and Russell brand being discussed in the house of parliament I find it almost laughable that my human right as a single parent undergraduate, who doesn’t receive child maintenance, or support , with a history in social services and care a FDA in health and social welfare who has there child removed by social services without so much as a face to face interview or attempt by social services to have this can’t get advice , or assistance or even an inquiry from the local press who have been made aware on several occasions of the story. Before I either get arrested or loose my home or am committed to a mental institution. And ironic given my past career in the entertainment, leisure and sex industry.

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